
Monday, 25 May 2015


So as she lifted the lid a thousand different smells wafted out and took control of her brain. Mind control was something Anna was not particularly good at. So as the putrid and wonderful smell slowly worked its way through Anna's head shutting down everything, she slowly fell unconscious. This smell moved quickly through the town knocking every living thing out. Over in the U.S the scientists were working quickly to figure out what this smell is. The president was moved to an underground bunker. Over in england the weird smell was quickly working on the next big city.


  1. Josh I really enjoyed reading your very imaginative and well written story; what a great story line! And I wonder if anyone will be able to stop the evil smell from going too far. Nice work writing on the 100WC.

  2. Wow Josh! You are an author being read worldwide. I too enjoyed your story and hope that the smell may be neutralised in your sequel. Am I allowed to mention that "England' is seldom odiferous?

    1. Thank you for that comment, may you tell me what odiferous means.

  3. Hi im Tyler cool story I like how you put other countries to the story and how you used the prompt right in the beginning.


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